Sometimes we need time off. Time off from the noise, hustle, and bustle of everyday life. Sometimes to perceive a picture clearly, you ought to take a few steps back so that you can be a better judge of the artwork. The world is a canvas on which we all desire to leave our mark therefore we need to be intentional about every move we make. So soon, the second month of 2021 is almost over and it’s time for some self-reflection.

Self- Reflection Helps You Revise Your Plans

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? LUKE 14:28

As the scripture reveals, important projects require planning and I believe that there are very few things more important than our lives as individuals. We’re about to enter the third month of the year and we need to take another look at our plans before we do so. Of all the goals you had at the start of the year, which of them are in progress and which aren’t? What have you been doing right and what have you been wrong?

In the process of self-reflection, you have to be completely honest with yourself and be your harshest critic. The goal of this is to improve and be a better version of yourself for the coming month. The purpose of self-reflection is not for you to condemn and demotivate yourself but to be better and move on to the next level.

Evaluate Your Christian Life By Self-Reflecting!

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test. 2 CORINTHIANS 13:5.

The Christian faith has standards we ought to live by and self-reflection comes to play when we consciously compare our lifestyle to the tenets of the faith. Are we living according to God’s standards in the way we treat others? Are we obeying His laws? How often do we take time to read His word? Our faith is extremely important because it determines our place in eternity. What do we have to gain if we only make physical progress in 2021 while we retrogress spiritually?

It can be easy to think your Christian life is based on how you feel. The truth nonetheless is that we cannot use our feelings to determine whether we’re in right standing with God or not. The only way we can judge our standing with God is by using His word.

Learn From Mistake and Discover Yourself

Always remember that thinking critically about your life takes you a step ahead. It is always an opportunity to assess yourself and correct your mistakes. The purpose of making mistakes is to learn from them and not to be shackled by them. Anytime you’re self-reflecting, you get to understand why certain moves you made worked well and others didn’t. Never shy away from the opportunity to self-reflect. You never know what you will discover about yourself.