Articles Tagged with: #accra

The Bold New Normal Conference slated for 26th October 2024

The third edition of The Bold New Normal Conference, convened by transformational business leader, author, and global speaker Lucy Quist, comes off on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at the Pearly Gate Gardens, East Legon, Accra.

The conference which builds on Lucy Quist’s critically acclaimed book of the same title, The Bold New Normal, fundamentally challenges the status quo and the mindsets of her audience to defy the notion of Africa as an impoverished continent devoid of opportunities to prosper.

The Bold New Normal Conference has over the years brought together change leaders from across Ghana and the African continent to develop actionable solutions to the challenges faced on the continent. It seeks to inspire and empower the transformation of lives, communities, and nations by taking decisive actions toward creating prosperity.

Reflecting on the journey since the first conference, Lucy Quist noted, “The demand for continuity in fostering Africa’s prosperity has been positively overwhelming. Change Leaders are eager to showcase their creativity and leadership, as they yearn for opportunities to gather, think, share, and co-create solutions to issues that fundamentally challenge equity, justice and opportunities to prosper.”

This year’s conference, themed “Transforming Mindsets, Creating Leaders of Prosperity,” will serve as a platform for changemakers to harness their creative potential, contribute to the reshaping mindsets, and take concrete steps toward a prosperous future for Africa.

Distinguished speakers and panelists from various economic sectors will share their insights, while inspiring stories of young leaders driving change will be highlighted. The confirmed 2024 speakers are:

  • David Ofosu-Dorte (Founder & Senior Partner, AB & David Africa)
  • Patricia Obo-Nai (CEO, Telecel Ghana)
  • Bernard Avle (General Manager, Citi FM/ Channel One)
  • Janeen Uzzell (CEO, National Society of Black Engineers)
  • Kojo Akoto (Agribusiness Specialist)
  • Valerie Labi (CEO, Wahu);
  • Yaw Perbi (CEO, Hud Group)
  • Emi-Beth Quanson (CEO, Kawa Moka)

As with previous conferences, the day will be crowned by a special masterclass led by Lucy Quist where participants learn from her extensive experience as a thought leader and transformational business expert across industries such as manufacturing, technology, telecommunications and financial services.

Inspired by the principles in “The Bold New Normal,” the event is an essential clarion call for the young professionals, business executives, entrepreneurs, founders, and changemakers looking to make a difference and take charge of building the future they desire and deserve.

Be sure to purchase your conference ticket on or as well as the shortcode *713*33*121#. For a copy of the book, visit and Amazon.

Accessing Africa’s 700 Million Christian Market

Africa is set to become the pivot of Christianity in the next five decades. It is home to the world’s largest Christian community boasting 700 million faithful hearts.
According to the Pew Research Centre, this number will cross 1 billion in 2050, marking a 112% surge from 517 million in 2010. By 2060, countries on the continent will account for six of the top ten countries globally with the highest number of Christians.

On 13th October, Dominion TV hosted an audience of Ghanaian advertising agencies and market influencers to present their findings, “The 700 Million Christian Market” at Ecobank Head Office in Accra, Ghana with keynote speaker Dr. Juliete Ehimuan, Africa’s iconic digital technology guru and former inaugural Director of Google West Africa.

Dr. Loretta Sarpong of EcoBank and Papa Ako-Addo of DSTV made welcome remarks. The event witnessed the launch of Dominion TV’s bloc of children’s programming called “Proudly Me TV,” aimed at cultivating Godly values, development and self-worth in children of African descent was announced as well as a feature film”A Taste of Sin” produced by the network,featuring an all-star Ghanaian and Nigerian cast, including Jackie Appiah, James Gardiner and Majid Michel.

Dominion TV was founded by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams in 2014. Transitioning from a Ghanaian ministry media network to a Pan-African commercial Christian media house in 2017 with an investment from The Whitaker Group.

Going beyond traditional Christian programming, Dominion TV’s diversified content features films, sports, fashion, food, entertainment, documentaries, finances, health to promote “inspired and empowered living. Christians in Africa are more than a religious bloc, they represent a diverse base of largely young men, women, and children who collectively form the continent’s largest affinity group.

How much really is known about their market potential?

“Data-driven insights have been sparse, this is why we undertook a qualitative and anecdotal study to learn about this expanding demographic”, said Rosa Whitaker, Dominion TV’s President and Vice Chair. Understanding the attributes of the Christian consumer market will help a range of service providers tailor offerings that better serve them. However, understanding the market is only a first step — successfully accessing it requires a platform.

“We’ve been diligently expanding our presence within the Christian audience, driven by our longstanding engagement, consumer surveys, and viewership patterns. This is a huge market that has been hidden in plain sight and we are demystifying it,” said Tracy Malone, Dominion TV’s General Manager. Dominion TV can be accessed around the clock in 48 African countries on DSTV (Channel 352), GOtv (Channel 213), and digitally.

Keep watching Dominion TV on Dstv CH 352 and GOtv CH 167 for more inspiring and empowering content. You can also follow the station’s social media handle @mydominiontv on all social platforms. 

A Taste of Sin Movie Records Massive Turnout at Cinemas 

The premiere of A Taste of Sin, currently Accra’s number 1 movie took place on the 7th of April at Silverbird Cinemas in Accra, and on the 8th of April at the Golden Eagle Cinema, Kumasi.

The movie premiere was a resounding success, with a massive turnout at cinemas, selling out almost all its tickets before the premiere. A Taste of Sin, which tells the story of faith and redemption, was eagerly anticipated by Ghanaian movie lovers and Christians alike.

In attendance were the star-studded cast members; Jackie Appiah, Majid Michel, Roselyn Ngissah, Kalsoume Sinare, James Gardiner, Sonia Ibrahim, Eze One, and Akosua Adjepong. Also in attendance was his eminence the Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams in the company of his wife Rosa Whitaker. The General Manager of Dominion TV together with the producer and director of the movie; Samira Yakubu and Frank Rajah also graced the event. 

The red carpet event was a sight to behold, with attendees dressed to impress and eager to catch a glimpse of their favorite stars. The Kumasi turnout for instance was a historic one as fans flocked from all corners of the city, eager to indulge in the presence of their favorite cast. 

A Blessing to the Ghanaian Film Community

Akosua Adjepong who plays Majid Michel’s mother in the movie expressed her excitement about the movie and the heartwarming turn-out, especially in Kumasi. “It was a wonderful experience coming to Kumasi and sharing the movie with the Kumasi audience and more is coming their way. People came up and said this was one of the best Christian movies they ever watches”, she said. 

Sonia Ibrahim who also plays the critical role of Anita in the movie expressed how wonderful of an experience it was, especially working alongside the Archbishop himself, describing the entire ordeal as a blessing. “I think this is a wonderful experience for all of us. It was a blessing being part of something with an Archbishop. I am hopeful that we see more of this” – Sonia Ibrahim 

The attending fans not only took time to watch the movie and interact with their favorite actors but gave their two cents on the movie as well, acknowledging how edifying it had been. Patience; an attendee from Kumasi described how the movie helped her love her husband more and shed light on the importance of staying beside him through thick and thin. 

“The movie exceeded my expectations and I am amazed. The message was humbling for me. The message is timely because they brought up issues that we see today and we have learned a lot. As a married woman, I have learned to stand by my husband in times of trouble. I am taking home a really valuable lesson today” said Patience. 

Nick, who was also in attendance at Kumasi was particularly amazed by the movie’s thematic representation of faith. The lead character; Pastor Teddy, who was played by James Gardiner was a figure of admiration for Nick. “The faith factor was so important in the movie. Sometimes we go through trials and give up. But this is a man who fought to the end and God saw him through it all. So the faith factor was very strong. These movies empower us as we go about our daily Christian lives. Thumbs up to Dominion TV. We want more and more and more from Dominion TV. – Nick. 

Preaching the Gospel through Film Across Africa

The success of Accra’s number-one Christian movie premiere is a testament to the growing appetite for Christian-themed movies in Ghana and across Africa. As more filmmakers explore this genre, we can expect to see more powerful stories of faith and redemption that will inspire and uplift audiences.

“You don’t only have to listen to the gospel through the pulpit. As filmmakers, we preach the gospel through our filmmaking and storytelling. I am happy about this and I believe there is more coming”. These were Jackie Appiah’s words when asked about whether the Ghanaian community should expect more, especially those within the Christian faith. 

Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams who made a cameo appearance in the movie expressed being immensely moved by the movie, to the point of tears. “The movie touched me, and to be honest, I was crying. I just could not hold my tears. The movie was moving, and emotional, it spoke volumes. It showed the power of temptation and nobody can assume that as long as you are in this flesh, you are above temptation” – Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams.

“We want to use movies to tell the story of redemption and to let people know the love of God, His power, compassion, and mercies” He added. 

“There is a lot more in store for Dominion TV. The vision we had when we started Dominion TV was for inspired and empowered living through Christ and there are so many ways to tell that story. We are making strides and changing lives and are coming out with a whole new children’s block of programming. We are so grateful for tonight. We are looking at the best of the best actors in Ghana who put their hearts into this. It was a genius move that brought a lot of life to the world” Added Rosa Whitaker who is also the President of Dominion TV.

“A Taste of Sin” – a Dominion TV production in collaboration with Sami’s Media, is an enthralling story that explores the power of faith, forgiveness and hope through the lives of two pastors intertwine- one tempted by a shortcut to success, and the other facing unimaginable trials in his marriage. As they navigate these challenges, they grapple with fidelity, temptation, and their own beliefs. The movie stars some of Ghana’s star-studded award-winning cast; Jackie Appiah, Majid Michel, James Gardiner, Abena Akuaba, and a debut cameo appearance by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams. The production values are top-notch, with beautiful cinematography, stunning visuals, and a moving musical score that perfectly captures the emotions of the story.

A Taste of Sin is currently the number one movie across select Cinemas in Accra, attracting massive attention within the country and beyond. A Taste of Sin will still be showing until the 20th of April 2023 at Silverbird Cinemas in Accra Mall and WestHills Mall at 7 pm and 9:30 pm, as well as the Golden Eagle Cinema at Kumasi City Mall at 7 pm and 9 pm. Tickets can be purchased at the venue. 

Keep watching Dominion TV on Dstv CH 352 and GOtv CH 167 for more inspiring and empowering content. You can also follow the station’s social media handle @mydominiontv on all social platforms. 

A Taste of Sin; The Game-changer in Ghana’s Film Industry

The highly anticipated media launch of A Taste of Sin took place on the 17th of March at the DE-ICON events center, in Accra Ghana, and it was nothing short of spectacular.

The movie’s star-studded cast attended the launch, including Jackie Appiah, Majid Michel, James Gardiner, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, special dignitaries, select media houses, and other high-profile individuals, all eager to see what the new movie had to offer.

“A Taste of Sin”, produced by Dominion TV in collaboration with Sami’s Media,  is an enthralling story that explores the power of faith, forgiveness and hope through the lives of two pastors intertwine- one tempted by a shortcut to success, and the other facing unimaginable trials in his marriage. As they navigate these challenges, they grapple with fidelity, temptation, and their own beliefs. The attendees were treated to the first-ever viewing of the movie’s trailer which left the room excited in anticipation for the official release this Easter holidays. 







Why the storyline?

When asked why this particular storyline, the director, Frank Rajah explained that this was a concept he had planned on teaching the Christian community for a while. 

“Even strong Christians face temptations every day. Sometimes we are too ashamed to stand back on our feet. Instead, we run away from those who believed in us. It is a topic I planned on teaching” – Frank Rajah – Director of A Taste of Sin.

Aside from beautifully capturing his Eminence Archbishop Duncan-Williams’s debut cameo appearance, another thing that makes this blockbuster Christian movie more appealing

is the fact that it was produced by Semira Yakubu, making it her first-ever Christian film production. Her inspiration?

“Most of the cast members who moved me since I was a child were Christians”. For this reason, she, together with the team, picked out the finest actors in the Ghanaian list and put together an award-winning cast. “We wanted nothing but the best to tell a Christian story” Semira added. Nothing was able to stop the crew from creatively executing an enthralling story that gives hope to the fallen members of the Christian society, opening a door of forgiveness and reconciliation. 

Expect more Christian movies and content from Dominion TV

Speaking at the event was also Dominion TV’s General Manager Nosisa Doe who affirmed that the Christian Lifestyle station was open to receiving Christian movie scripts from outsiders and helping them produce the same. Rosa Whitaker, president of Dominion TV who describes the movie as a  life-changing cinematic wonder that will keep you on the edge of your seat while building your faith from 


the inside out added that the station “will not glorify the enemy”, emphasizing its commitment to executing inspiring and empowering Christian content and nothing else. “We will be bringing a broad range of children content as part of our inspiring and empowering shows”  she added

A Win for the Ghanaian Film Industry

The cast members and all in attendance were excited about the premiere, encouraging viewers online and in person to consume the content and help grow the Ghanaian film industry. 

“We have to get people to do so much to make these films possible. Support and go to the premieres, buy tickets. We get funding for your support and it makes room for more quality productions” – James Gardiner, who plays a major role in the movie commented during the live question and answer session from the audience. 

“We are giving good Ghanaian content. All we 日本藤素
need is for you to support” added Roselyn Ngissah who plays Jackie Appiah’s best friend in the movie. 

The launch event was a great success, leaving attendees impressed and excited about the movie’s official release. The buzz around the movie is already palpable, and it is sure to be a must-see for Christian movie enthusiasts and movie-goers alike.

The event was concluded by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams who offered a prayer of blessing and reiterated the need for more similar movies in order to preach the word of God unto all the world and demonstrate the consequences of sin. 

Watch the Premiere of “A Taste of Sin”  this Easter!

Get Your Tickets at Silverbird Cinemas Accra Mall and West-hills Mall, Golden Eagle Cinemas Kumasi City Mall, Airport Shell, Koala (Osu & Airport), Baatsona Total , Dominion TV front desk, Dominion Bookshop, Poku Trading Kumasi. Follow @mydominiontv on Instagram for more updates on Ticket purchases.



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