
The Benefits of a Gratitude Attitude: Why Thankfulness is Key to a Fulfilling Life

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough” – Melody Beattie (American author)

Regarding all that we have received, all that we own, and all that has not befallen us, gratitude is the attitude of feeling and expressing thankfulness. Being discontent is the opposite. The fact that almost every experience has both good and bad sides is important to understand. Even if it sometimes takes more effort to find the good and discover its treasures, if we put in the time and effort to look intently and actively explore them, we will eventually succeed. Regardless of how bad or hopeless things may appear to be, there is always something to be grateful for.

Photo source: George Dolgikh


Gratitude alters our viewpoint. Most of the minor daily irritations that we tend to pay so much attention to can be eliminated by it. Gratitude is a way to reduce self-pity and self-centeredness, boosting feelings of well-being, and triggering conscious awareness of things outside of ourselves, such as a sense of connectedness to others and the larger world.

When we practice a grateful attitude, even in the face of difficulty, we will reap many benefits of a grateful attitude. Following are a few reasons that practicing gratitude has been shown to have beneficial benefits on our lives:

  • Relationships are made stronger through gratitude

It increases our sense of connection and connection with our friends and romantic relationships. When we feel and express gratitude for our spouses, we feel happier in our union.

  • Contentment is facilitated by gratitude

One of the most effective ways to improve contentment and life satisfaction is to cultivate gratitude. By fostering feelings of optimism, joy, pleasure, elation, and other positive emotions, it also elevates our mood. Gratitude, on the other hand, also lessens anxiety and despair.

  • Enhances mental health

One of several components that supports good mental health outcomes is gratitude. Regular acts of gratitude might lessen anxiety and depressive symptoms. Gratitude is also associated with happier moods. Regularly expressing appreciation promotes positive emotions and can support a sense of well-being.

Nothing but the word of God comes with assurance, and for that matter, nothing should be taken for granted. Every day and each breath are gifts. We get to decide what we do with them.

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Dominion TV, Africa’s Christian Lifestyle Network for Inspired and Empowered Living.

The Power of Positivity: How to Cultivate an Optimistic Outlook

‘An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.’ – Brian Tracy (Motivational speaker)

Photo source: Jason Villanueva

The term “positivity” describes our propensity to view things positively. Negativity, on the other hand, focuses on thinking, feeling, and acting negatively. When we are optimistic, we may think positively, feel positive, and act favorably. Positive thinking cannot make all of our problems go away like magic. It will help us approach difficulties more positively and constructively by making issues seem more doable.

Several approaches, including positive self-talk and positive imagery, are shown to be beneficial in promoting positive thinking. Here are some pointers on how to think positively.

  • Demonstrate gratitude

It has been proven that cultivating gratitude can lower stress, boost self-esteem, and promote resilience even during extremely trying times. We should try to express our gratitude by reflecting on the people, events, or things that make us feel some level of comfort or satisfaction. Numerous options exist for doing this.

  • Be humorous

Studies have shown that laughing reduces tension, anxiety, and despair. Additionally, it raises one’s mood, coping mechanisms, and sense of self. In every circumstance, even the challenging ones, we should be receptive to humor and allow ourselves to chuckle. It quickly lightens the mood and makes everything appear simpler. Even when we are not in the mood, feigning ourselves to laugh can lift our spirits and reduce stress.

  • Engage in constructive self-talk

We are often the hardest on ourselves and the harshest judges of ourselves. This can eventually lead to us developing a bad opinion of ourselves that is challenging to overcome. We must be aware of the voice in our heads and reply with encouraging words, commonly referred to as positive self-talk, to stop this.

We can increase positivity if we so choose. All we have to do is be careful not to push positivity when it does not seem appropriate. We can become happier by using positive thinking techniques more often.

Photo source: Gursharndeep Singh

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Dominion TV, Africa’s Christian Lifestyle Network for Inspired and Empowered Living.


Nnaase Afore 2023

Gospel music is a genre of music. It varies depending on the culture and social setting in which it is created, performed, and even defined. God, the creator of the universe is praised and worshipped through the creation and performance of gospel music. There are many people in the entertainment industry who are into gospel music.  In Ghana, some popularly known musicians are the likes of Diana Hamilton, Piesie Esther, and Abena Serwaa Ophelia among others.

Photo source: Nnaase Afore 2023

Formerly known as Ophelia Nyantakyi, Abena Serwaa Ophelia is a veteran gospel musician and fashion designer. She is well-known for her song “Daadaadaa” and other songs. The seasoned gospel artist has hosted an annual concert dubbed Nnaase Afore for the past two years, and it has been a success both times.

On Sunday, January 29, 2023, at 4 p.m., the third edition of ‘Nnaase Afore’ which is translated to mean ‘Sacrifice of Thanksgiving’, was held at the PIWC-ATTC Dome in Kokomlemle. Indeed, this year’s edition of the annual concert was a great success seeing as many gospel musicians and patrons trooped in to support their sister, mother, and friend, Abena Serwaa Ophelia. The event started with the red carpet where there was an interview with the woman of the night, several gospel musicians, and other patrons who participated. One thing that cut across in the interviews was how all who were interviewed expressed their gratitude to God for how far He has brought them, and for an event such as the night’s.

Photo source: Nnaase Afore 2023

The concert progressed with performances from several musicians in the likes of Stella Seal, Tagoe Sisters, Cindy Thompson, Piesie Esther, Francis Amo, and Lady Chatty among other musicians. It was such an amazing time, and all who attended left with smiles of accomplishment. Make it a date to attend next year’s Nnaase Afore, and your life will never be the same.

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Dominion TV, Africa’s Christian Lifestyle Network for Inspired and Empowered Living.

The Importance of Boundaries in Relationships: Setting Healthy Limits

“Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves, even when we risk disappointing others.” – Brené Brown (American Professor)

We are involved in a wide variety of interpersonal connections, including those with our spouses, colleagues, coworkers, family, and in-laws. Even though their intensities vary, we often find ourselves a part of these important interactions as part of our busy routines. The majority of us have trouble setting boundaries and perhaps feel embarrassed to bring up this crucial subject for discussion and action.

When used in a relationship to request time or space that can be perceived negatively or appear unwarranted by the other, the word “boundaries” in itself can trigger negative feelings. While we consistently associate boundaries with weaker emotions of love, admiration, or even detachment, setting the way for eventual separation.  We consistently fail to understand that boundaries are not actual limits but instead a place where we find ourselves apart from interpersonal relationships. The possession of our personal space allows us to define intrapersonal space and investigate our daily routines. We visit this area not out of a lack of affection or adoration, but rather because we value discovering an adequate inner self.

Although the nature of relationships is constantly shifting, the effort we put forth to keep them strong is what matters most. Every relationship goes through a stage where we try to build a channel for communication, but we should also build a channel where we are open and sincere in meaningful interactions about our true selves. Boundaries can include prohibitions on physical behavior, such as requests that a partner refrains from looking through our phones or from interfering with our home-based job. They can also be psychological, such as when we ask our partner to acknowledge that sometimes our objectives and dreams may not line up with theirs. The importance of healthy boundaries, however, includes the following. 

Photo source: Professional QP

  • Establishes guidelines for interactions with other people.
  • Defines each person’s role in a relationship.
  • Distinguishes our desires, needs, thoughts, and emotions from those of other people.
  • Give us a sense of self-worth and freedom.
  • Assures both our mental and physiological comfort.

Our relationships may become poisonous and unfulfilling without healthy limits or boundaries, and our well-being may suffer as a result. We run the risk of destroying our relationships if our boundaries and those of others are consistently crossed. It is not only in intimate relationships that we need boundaries. They are also necessary at work, where our demands could be ignored or monopolized by management or coworkers. Poor quality of personal life can result from unhealthy boundaries that we have at work.

We as individuals are therefore advised to make deliberate efforts in setting boundaries in all areas of our lives.

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Dominion TV, Africa’s Christian Lifestyle Network for Inspired and Empowered Living.


The Power of Forgiveness in Marriage: How to Keep Love Strong

“There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” – Bryant H. McGill (American author)

When there is offense or disagreement in a marriage, we too frequently label our partners as adversaries. Our spouses are never our adversaries. We may win the battles in our marriages and keep love strong if we identify who our true adversaries are. The forces of evil and our flesh are our true enemies. Amid conflict, these enemies frequently go unseen. Our flesh tries to appease itself, but it is unable to appease God.

The apostle Paul in the book of Romans warns us about our flesh. “Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.” – Romans 8:8 NIV 

All marriages are supposed to fail, according to the forces of darkness. We can fight against the forces of darkness if we are committed to God and our spouses. Satan’s hold on unforgiveness can be lessened more effectively when we identify our enemies.

Photo source: Marta Branco

It Benefits Us to Forgive

We frequently associate forgiveness with a fuzzy feeling. The truth is that forgiveness is the exact opposite. When we have to forgive someone we are really in love with, it can be rather traumatic seeing as we do not expect them to hurt us. One of the most difficult aspects of marriage is forgiving our partner, especially when they do not feel bad about their wrong. To maintain our mental stability and keep love strong, we must, however, forgive most of the time.

Being able to forgive does not mean that we become completely numb to pain. When we embrace numbness in marriage, our hearts become ice. Not forgetting the offense constitutes forgiveness. Not deciding to inflict the punishment for the offense is forgiveness. When we deliberately work to forgive our spouses when it is required, we will not only enjoy its benefits in our marriage but also provide a good example for others who have not yet tied the knot. However, marriage is an institution and should be treated with respect.

How True Forgiveness Works

We most likely have acquired an understanding of what true forgiveness is through numerous betrayals. When we choose to hold fast to our refusal to forgive, we refer to the world’s standards for marriage as a slap in the face to God. God refers to it as unforgiveness. The only biblical sin for which there is no forgiveness is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

True forgiveness comes in three forms. Allowing a person to be pardoned and waiving their punishment is forgiveness. Anger and resentment must be put to rest to forgive. Finally, being able to forgive is a choice.  God endowed every one of us with free will. Despite being straightforward, these definitions have the strength to undermine the grip of unforgiveness.

Photo source: Michelle Leman

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The Power of Forgiveness: How to Let Go and Move Forward

Being able to truly express to the offender, as well as to ourselves, that we have forgiven them for the wrong they committed against us, can be a wonderful experience in and of itself. Jesus teaches us in the Bible to forgive others. “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”- Matt. 6:14 NIV 

Photo source: Magda Ehlers

While it may be easy to hold onto a grudge, letting the hurt go can significantly improve our lives. On the other hand, forgiving is not always simple, particularly when the person who injured us has not apologized. The good news is that even if it does not come easily, forgiveness can be learned and practiced just like any other ability. 

People experience less pain, rage, tension, and sadness when they learn to forgive. Additionally, when we are able to forgive, we develop greater capacities for compassion, hope, and optimism. Forgiveness also boosts vitality and general well-being. The ability to forgive frees us to move on in life. Below are some importance of forgiving others.

  • Forgiving frees us from victimhood

The links that hold us in a bad way to another person are broken by forgiveness. We seldom forget while also forgiving. We could choose to forget about something someone did to us after forgiving them. After all, that is our decision. The question is whether we will ever be able to trust the person who wronged us or the situation again.

  • We forgive ourselves when we forgive others

It is not simply about what someone has done to us that causes us to harbor resentment. It concerns what we have permitted to happen to us. We occasionally have little control over what occurs to us in a relationship because we are merely doing what we are doing. Unless they tell us, we often do not realize when someone is resentful of us or upset with us. They frequently do not until things reach a breaking point. However, the finest thing we can do to relieve ourselves from the shame and pain caused by others’ wrongdoing is to forgive them.

  • Moving forward on our spiritual path is made possible by forgiveness

Compassion is fostered by forgiveness. As a result of the human experience, we can relate to others when we have the same compassion for ourselves and for others. We may start to put the past behind us once we are both emotionally and psychologically free. Forgiveness is an act of kindness and goodness as it leads to our spiritual growth and is also a path to peace.

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The Importance of Community in the Christian Faith

Although individualism has nothing particularly wrong with it, it has both positive and negative effects on our connection with God, just like all other viewpoints. Christians understand the value of having a personal relationship with God, and that relationship grows through independent study, prayer, and worship. However, our individualism can make us miss the importance of community in the Christian faith, leaving us feeling isolated and unconnected from one another.

Photo source: Matt Botsford

Every day, we experience the effects of this absence of community. Surprisingly, the technology we anticipated would have united us has left us even more estranged: we send WhatsApp messages to friends instead of meeting them in person. We are less connected yet more reachable. We consequently live in a world where there are many acquaintances but few close relationships.

This individualistic mentality has a significant impact on how Christians view the community in our faith. Churches frequently define communal worship as traditional systems of one-on-one sessions, where a more spiritually advanced individual meets frequently with others to aid in our guidance and development. The Christian faith places a lot of importance on the community; a few of these are listed below.

  • Helps character development

The community can influence character development by encouraging group revival. God can motivate a group of individuals to seek out transformed lives. The community encourages people to seek God, which transforms the neighborhood as a whole. The community can also be useful in mending fences and mending bridges. Jesus urged His followers in Matthew to involve one or two more people—or even the entire church—to reconcile with a brother or sister who had wronged them.

Photo source: William White

“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.” – Matthew 13:15-17

To promote Christlike behavior, God can also utilize those who are well-known in a community.

  • Brings the Bible to life and makes it real

Nobody challenges the need of reading God’s Word for developing oneself. The objective of preaching the Bible in communities before the revolution was to help people grow spiritually. However, perhaps the world is moving too far the other way. Today, we are primarily concerned with the study and meditation that each person does during their devotional time. While personal devotional time in the Bible is significant, we Christians should also engage in community Bible study as it helps bring the Bible to life.

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Dominion TV, Africa’s Christian Lifestyle Network for Inspired and Empowered Living.

International Day of Education: To Invest in People, Prioritize Education

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Education is illuminating and a vital right. No country will achieve success and growth without an inclusive and accessible education. The International Day of Education is observed annually, and the purpose of the day is to spread the light of fortune, peace, and education among everyone.

Several activities, workshops, seminars, and other educational programs are held worldwide to ensure that everyone is aware of the importance of education on the occasion of International Education Day, which is observed on January 24. Its 5th anniversary is being celebrated this year, and the theme is “To Invest in People, Prioritize Education.” The purpose of commemorating this day is to ensure that everyone, regardless of race or religion, may access education.

Photo source: Pixabay

Countries will not succeed in attaining gender equality and ending the cycle of poverty that is leaving a million children, youth, and adults behind without accessible and equitable quality education and lasting opportunities for everyone. The UN Transforming Education Summit in September 2022 gave rise to a worldwide movement, and this year’s day will advocate for preserving that momentum while outlining how to put commitments and international initiatives into practice. In light of the current global recession, widening inequality, and the climate issue, education must be given priority to advance toward all of the Sustainable Development Goals.

This year’s International Day of Education has been set aside by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to honor Afghanistan women and girls who have been denied access to education. It demands that the ban limiting their access to school be immediately lifted. UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Report and Institute for Statistics, which tracks nations’ progress toward the benchmarks, including those covered at the Transforming Education Summit, will also release the first SDG4 benchmark publication as part of the event.

Happy International Day of Education!

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Navigating Relationships as a Christian: Tips and Advice

Our relationships should rank among the most crucial aspects of our lives as Christians. God has commanded us to love Him above all else. However, He has told us that loving other people is the second most crucial aspect of our life.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” – Matthew 22:36-40

As a result, we should place a high value on our interpersonal relationships. Certain biblical concepts can support us in developing stronger bonds with the people we love, whether we are dating or married. When discussing such a broad subject as how a Christian should navigate relationships, countless things might be stated. Three of them are listed below.

Photo source: Asiama Junior

  • Our treatment of our spouses is a reflection of how we respect God

Actually, it is not about them. God is the center of everything. Even when we do not show people the proper love, our connection with God ultimately determines why we do not. People will not be able to love and serve us properly if our walk with God is not going well, just as we will not be able to do so without being connected to Christ. Due to our rich, regular contact with God, who is love, we are able to provide magnificent examples of selfless love to others. However, in order to spend more time focused on God, we must spend less time focusing on other people. Therefore, we must support it because if we put God above them, we will be able to love them more effectively in the long term.

  • Ask questions and pay attention more

Our ability to communicate effectively will directly affect the quality of our relationships. Most of us have a little issue filling the air with our own words and fears. To genuinely hear and comprehend what others are going through is difficult for us. Therefore, we must make sure to listen intently and ask thoughtful questions if we want to truly make our partners feel our love. The Lord hears us, and if we want to love our spouses properly and have wonderful relationships, we need to slow down and genuinely listen to what they have to say.

  • We should avoid making our significant other an extension of ourselves

Making individuals we are in a relationship with into our own image is another immoral inclination we as people have. When a husband-and-wife quarrel, occasionally one of them is right and the other is wrong, however, most of the time the disagreement is just an attempt to project their image onto the other person. We frequently believe that our personality traits, preferences, and aspirations are correct. The majority of church divisions are not caused by doctrinal disagreements but rather by individual preferences and a refusal to consider alternative viewpoints. If we care for someone, we should want them to look more and more like Jesus.

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Dominion TV, Africa’s Christian Lifestyle Network for Inspired and Empowered Living.

Overcoming Negative Thoughts: Tips and Techniques

Every now and then, we all have bad thoughts. Nevertheless, conquering negative thoughts can be a huge and challenging undertaking for certain people, especially those who deal with depression or low self-esteem. Social anxiety, despair, frustration, and low self-esteem are just a few of the issues it might aggravate.

Understanding how we think presently is essential to modifying our negative thoughts, after which we can employ various techniques to alter or lessen their impact. However, we may also learn how to alter our cognitive patterns. Therapy is frequently beneficial in changing negative thoughts.

The tips and techniques discussed in this article can help us alter our negative thoughts.

Photo source: Vie Studio

  • Talk About It

Finding someone close to us and talking to them can help us get past negative thoughts and feelings. Not only may this help us vent, but it can also be a great chance to rethink negative thoughts more positively.

  • Discover a Way to Offer Help

Putting our attention on something that will benefit someone else is one strategy for overcoming negative thoughts. We give ourselves a chance to improve our lives by assisting others. Whether it is just listening to a friend or helping others in other ways is a terrific way to help us overcome negative thoughts.

  • Develop The Ability to Handle Criticism

The assertive defense of the self is referred to as another component of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that can occasionally be beneficial for people with social anxiety. We must be able to deal with rejection and criticism since it is likely that occasionally, people will genuinely be critical and judgmental of us. To develop our assertiveness skills and assertive reactions to criticism, this procedure is frequently carried out in therapy with a pretend conversation between the individual and the therapist. 

  • Change the Negativity Around Us

Our daily experiences can have an impact on the thoughts we have. Knowing the main causes of negativity in our lives is crucial. These sources may include individuals, publications, music, etc. Once they are recognized, we need to figure out how to swap them out for uplifting influences.

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Dominion TV, Africa’s Christian Lifestyle Network for Inspired and Empowered Living.

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