The World Needs Your Talent
Your talent is any skill or ability you naturally possess. It is that particular activity or set of activities you easily excel at. Often times, you would naturally develop a passion for whatever you are talented at. Everybody on the surface of the earth is gifted with a special talent.
The reason why anyone would think he/she does not have a talent is that he/she has not discovered it yet. The truth is, God created each individual with a purpose and our talents exist to propel us towards them. We are stewards of our talents and we need to let the world benefit from them. Today, we will explore the reasons why the world needs your talent.
Our Talent Fill In The Gap
You need to believe that your innate ability is truly special and beneficial to the world. The world by nature is interconnected by individuals who knowingly or unknowingly affect one another with their roles. A farmer uses his talent to grow crops, the crops would be used by a talented chef to cook a nutritious meal for his customers.
A biochemist can use the farmer’s crops to develop solutions to certain illnesses. When everyone uses their gifts, it keeps the world balanced. Those who are deficient in your area of strength would benefit from you whiles you also benefit from their gifts. Without your talent, there would be a gap created in the world. However little we may think our talents are, we need to develop and use them to benefit society.
Our Talents Inspire Others
There are many people who have developed a passion to pursue their dreams and hone their talents by observing others accomplish the same. We have all looked up to people in one way or the other because they embody and exemplify our dreams and aspirations.
Many musicians for example try to emulate legends in their genre in order to be successful in their careers. Success in using our talents would inspire others to take steps to use theirs.
A lot of people fear to step out of their comfort zones in order to display the special talents that God has given them. When we are courageous enough to use our talents, it helps others in our churches, local communities and cities overcome their fears. Just as we look up to those who have succeeded in using their talents, others need us to use ours so that they would look up to us. Use your talent, you do not know who may be watching!
Talents Draw Men To God
Mat 5:16 KJV Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
One way to let our light shine is to use our talents effectively. When we pursue excellence with our talents, observers are going to be drawn to God as Matthew 5:16 asserts. People are drawn to the ideas of excellence and perfection.
A lot of people would be interested in finding out the source of your talent once you begin to use it in an outstanding way. The mastery of our talents would change lives when used to glorify, God. Our most crucial assignment on earth is to attract people to Him and away from sin.
Talent Brings Joy
It is delightful to watch a maestro lead an orchestra. It is an amazing feeling to hear the best voices in sync at the opera. Most people would attest to the fact that observing a person using his gifts to its full capacity brings a sense of joy.
God placed talents in each of us because He intends us to use them. Using your talent does not only bring joy to the observer but also brings joy to you. You would be fulfilled on earth if you’re able to use your talents as God pleases. God tied our talents to our purpose and to our self-actualization.
In Matthew 25:14-30 Jesus tells the parable of the talents. One lesson to take from that passage is that God would cause us to improve upon our talents the more we use it. We see that the master in the aforementioned parable gave more talents to the servants who had made good use of theirs.
However, he took away the talent of the servant who buried it. No matter how little or insignificant we think our talent may be, we need to use it. The more we use our talents, the more we develop the capacity to increase it. Use your talents. That’s what makes you special.