I haven’t met a person with an aversion to music. The right combination of instruments, voices and lyrics birth a masterpiece that lingers in our minds for hours and days. It is comparable to food; the right recipe produces remarkable taste. What’s worth noting, however, is that the quality of food isn’t solely dependent on its taste but its effect on health. I opine that good food should have good taste and have positive effects on our health. The same reasoning applies to music; true musical satisfaction can only be the effect of a great sound and a message healthy enough for our minds.
Humans like to define and categorize things to ease the complexities of selection. The music industry is one of the victims of the said categorization. The industry denotes its categorization by the word ‘genre.’ Usually, the definitive feature of a genre is its sound and instrumentation, and R&B, Hip-hop, soul, and rock are a few examples. Gospel or Christian music is one of the few if not the only genre defined by its message. The problem this creates for Christians is that it splits the industry into two: gospel and secular. This phenomenon is only problematic because of the tendency for Christians to limit Christian music not just by its message but by its sound too. The apparent segregation of gospel and secular music results in the Christian community associating a particular sound with gospel music, thus neglecting all other music without this sound even when the messages are Christian.
For the sake of clarity, when I refer to Christian music in subsequent paragraphs, I’m not limiting it to music that is sung in church by a choir. I am also not referring to Christian music as music with Christian references and words like ‘Hallelujah, Amen, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Savior, etc. Christian music is music whose message conforms to Christian values, message, and direction. The lack of Christian references isn’t what makes a song secular. Secular music draws you further away from Christian virtues with its message. Songs that promote misogyny, racism, violence, indiscriminate sex, lust are not healthy for consumption.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
As said earlier, music affects the mind. Songs can influence your thoughts and change your perspective on life. Therefore we need to be our own judges of what we can listen to. We shouldn’t categorize songs as gospel just because it is sung in church nor should we write off a song we heard on the street as secular just because the lyrics did not mention God or Jesus.
Our decision on what we can and should listen to must stem from what the word of God says. From what we see in Philippians 4:8, we must endeavor to listen to music that will influence us to think about things that are lovely, pure, virtuous, and of good report. It is safe to listen to music that will influence our thinking in such a manner. Any form of music that does not induce positive thoughts and actions should not be entertained.
There’s a reason why adverts, rallies, political campaigns, funerals and other programs employ music is to set the mood. Music has the power to make you act in accordance to whatever mood or message the song is propagating. The more you listen to negativity, the more you allow yourself to be engulfed in a negative atmosphere. Listening to music that supports sex, drugs, violence and other vices would in time slave you into practicing the same. Ensure that you listen to positive music, to maintain a positive mentality and the energy necessary for your spiritual well-being to go about your day. Wondering where you can have access to such quality music? Right here on Dominion Tv.
Kobina Oduro Korankye