We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28 NIV


Sometimes it can be difficult to live out our life’s purpose. We have a choice to either remain in the current situation or move on. Having gratitude can also assist us in achieving our life’s goals. All we have to do is make sure we are surrounded by thankful hearts rather than hostile ones, and be careful to surround ourselves with individuals who can have a great impact on our lives and encourage us to succeed. Since we are “formed in the image” of God in many ways, the wonderful future that awaits all people in the very Kingdom or Family of God is virtually beyond human conception. If we are willing to submit to Him, He will work with us. He is forming and reshaping us. He will continue to impart wisdom to us throughout time, but we must be prepared to humbly dedicate ourselves to God and actively seek out His will for our life.

Realizing why we were created is the simplest definition of fulfilling our purpose. Vision is sparked and developed by purpose, and passion is then fed by vision. Success is a byproduct of passion. Everything on earth was designed for a purpose including us, thus, it is our job to identify and move to achieve our mission. Everyone has a purpose in life. Our existence in this world and our birth are neither accidental nor the result of chance. The fact that no two persons on earth have the same fingerprints serves as proof that the world needs what we alone can provide.

Although our purposes differ from person to person, our main objective is to exalt God. Here are some actions we can do right away to start living out our God-given purpose.


  •  Become accessible to Him

We must first make ourselves available for God to use if we are to accomplish our purpose. We may occasionally have to take actions we are not prepared to take if we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us. It could need stepping outside of our normal routine, but when we do so, let us keep in mind that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13).


  •  Examine our abilities.

God grants us spiritual gifts, but often our purpose calls for us to use the abilities and skills we were born with. We need to take some time to consider the things we do well, and consider how we may use those abilities, resources, and talents to exalt God.


  •  Consider several options.

We will likely discover certain areas in which we need improvement as we evaluate our abilities. We should not let what we perceive to be inherent incapability keep us from doing new things. Our mission can occasionally be found in hidden talents. Given the variety of ministries available within the church, it is a wonderful place to try new things. It should be our mission to test out new ministries.


  • Ask God to reveal our purpose in prayer.

Let us ponder it in prayer. Ask God to disclose our unique calling. Ask Him to reveal to us how we might accomplish our purpose. We will eventually need to remind ourselves of our goals and the calling that God has placed on our lives.

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