“It is more rewarding to resolve a conflict than to dissolve a relationship.” – Josh McDowell (Writer, Public Speaker)

Every relationship has disagreements. Understandably, we cannot always agree with our partners. We can practice resolving disputes through our interpersonal connections. Our relationship will be healthier the more work we put in. Since conflict is uncomfortable, many people make an effort to avoid it.

In a relationship, conflict resolution is the proactive process of attempting to resolve communication issues through compromise and empathy. These abilities enhance all of our relationships, not just those with our partners. While practice is required, anyone can perform it.

We must realize that, depending on how we handle it, conflict in a relationship can be constructive. On some issues, it is acceptable to differ. How we handle conflict might influence how intimate our relationship becomes. Let us look at these few suggestions if we want to improve our relationship’s ability to resolve conflicts healthily. 

Photo source: Alex Green

  • We should engage in listening to our partners.

When our partner has a problem, we should listen to them without interrupting and then ask what they would deem a good solution. We should avoid trying to discover logical loopholes in what they say or turning their words against them and instead should inquire with genuine curiosity to understand their feelings.


  • We should communicate more often.

When something in our relationship disturbs us, we should learn to voice our concerns. If we do not deal with it, tension can increase, and we can later lose our cool with our partner over something insignificant. It is crucial to calmly and supportively express the behavior we want to see fixed and to give the other person the space to carry it out.


  • We must avoid personalizing situations.

The majority of us dislike criticism, especially when it comes from our spouses, but we should strive not to take things personally and keep in mind the love we have for one another. Having sound boundaries is crucial in this situation, and communicating those boundaries with one another can help improve the relationship.


  • A “both of us vs. the problem” mentality should be adopted.

This ability is possibly the most crucial. We should attempt to stand back while in a fight and consider what the best course of action would be to resolve the issue. With our partner, we must come up with a solution that respects our limits and feels harmonious. Making a relationship work requires the ability to compromise. If it is morning rituals before work, perhaps we alternate who gets to use the shower first. The feelings we hold in about the issue are released when we focus our energy on finding a solution. A “both of us vs. the problem” mentality can make future problems in our relationship easier to handle.

Photo source: Alex Green

We must speak up and express our concerns when there is a conflict. The ideal partner will provide a secure environment where we can express our complaints without being ignored. In exchange, let us be careful to provide a secure environment for our partners to talk about the issues that are troubling them as well. Keep in mind that conflict is unavoidable and that it can help couples get more intimate with one another. Conflict occurs more frequently because we care, and that should not be forgotten.

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